The Successful Encore Career podcast - ep 0

[00:00:00] Well Hi, this is Brett Johnson I am a member of the board of trustees with Employment for Seniors and with me is.  

[00:00:06] Carol Ventresca. I'm the executive director of Employment For Seniors.  

[00:00:10] This is our initial episode of The Successful Encore Career podcast and what we wanted to do is give potential new listeners an idea of what we're trying to get accomplished with the podcast series. For my part we'll be interviewing adults who have had a successful transition from one career to another hence the name, The Successful Encore Career. What we want to spotlight are the difficulties and how one job goes into the other or could be from one job to being an entrepreneur. So as the podcast progresses through episode you'll hear different stories from different people that we have either helped through Employment For Seniors or that we know outside of Employment For Seniors that have successfully made that transition and talk to them about the hurdles, the stumbling blocks, the support systems that they have around them as examples of how you the listener can benefit from those experiences and know that you're not alone in regards to that transition. We'll be mainly focusing on adults primarily over 50 and that's who we serve with Employment For Seniors. Those transitions happen all the time of course at any stage of life but it's a little bit different when you're over 50 and let Carol explain a little bit about what Employment For Seniors does in central Ohio. And the pieces that will bring to you in the podcast about how our organization helps older adults.  

[00:01:46] Thanks Brett. We're really excited to be part of this program. Employment For Seniors has been in central Ohio for nearly forty five years helping mature job seekers and it is an issue has been an issue for many many years and since our past recession older mature job seekers have had such great difficulty getting reemployed back into the workforce. We have lots of information that we like to provide our clients and this podcast series is going to be a way for us to enhance that information for clients and for anyone who's out there listening and really needing help on transforming their worklife into a new situation.  

[00:02:31] Most if not all the information that Carol will be bringing in we're looking at an every other week publication or posting for these podcasts. So one week will be an interview and in two weeks will be some some frequently asked questions and training techniques some something of that Employment For Seniors does offer already. And for the most part anything it's covered in the podcast will be available on the Employment For Seniors website.  

[00:02:59] Absolutely. And for those who are outside of central Ohio you may not have heard of Employment For Seniors in the past. But as I mentioned we have been here in Columbus helping seniors and our services are free. The only requirement is that they are 50 years of age living in central Ohio and we would love to have them come and register. We have accumulated so much information, it is on our website but we want to give some additional insights as to what's different in finding a job today than when we all began our careers 30 40 years ago. We want to provide the listeners with those tips on how to be a great job seeker how to be the best possible applicant they can be.  

[00:03:46] Some of the topics we're gonna be covering maybe highlight those.  

[00:03:49] We have lots of ideas that we would really like to talk about the over and above everything else. The most important thing that you really need to pull together for a job search is a resume. We want to talk about powerful resumes. Resumes that really pinpoint the skills experience and maturity that a job seeker 50 and over is going to bring to an employer. So we're going to talk about you know what are the good things on a resume and what are the bad things what are the mistakes we make when we're interviewing. We don't talk about our work stories sometimes we talk about our life story and that's not going to be the good information that's going to get across to the employer the value that you bring to them. Networking is huge in this job market. Many seniors have no clue what networking is all about. So we really want to talk and pinpoint what is networking. How do you do it. Networking is not begging for a job. Networking is information gathering and we want you to be really really good about how you do networking. There are just lots of bits and pieces. How do you learn new skills. Where there are resources to update computer skills or to get an assessment. So they're great great ideas that we have I think we could probably keep you busy for a long time.  

[00:05:06] The podcast will be available on the Employment For Seniors website. It will be eventually available of pretty much and every podcast player your your preferred one via iTunes, SpreakerStitcher and I'll be dating ourselves just by saying those names because in a year's will be other players that are out there but we will make this available in as many places as possible. It will be a service of Employment For Seniors. If you have any ideas or any topics that you would like as especially Carol to cover definitely give us an email and we will cover those in a future podcast. And thank you for the idea of that as well as being a work of Employer For Seniors will obviously ask for if you can donate as well. We have a donate button on The Employment For Seniors website so any help that you can bring upon that is great because it goes right back into helping adults and helps bring this podcast to fruition and keeping the costs down let's put it that way. Luckily today we got to record this podcast and new spaces that we have for Employment For Seniors and we're starting to build up some studio space. We're really looking forward to that as time goes on and bring you up to date as well as the podcast goes to.  

[00:06:25] Brett let me also mention too that if anyone is interested in Employment For Seniors and hasn't been to our website that the website is they can reach me at, and I would be glad to answer questions again come up with new topics. We would love to be able to cover what you need to hear in terms of the difficulties that you're having in your job search so yes please do share those ideas with us.  

[00:06:59] And all the contact information and specific details that come out in all the podcasts we'll be in what's called the meta data or in the show notes. So the the e-mail address that Carol just mentioned it will be in the notes it will be on the website. So it's not you have to be driving while you're driving get a pen and paper and such will provide all the contacts and the direct links and such that are brought out in each podcast. So you know and you always know you can go to to see that information and hear it again listen to on your desktop or as we encourage too to listen to on your smartphone. When the new episodes are up and listen at your leisure  


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